Bethel Church -
Offering to recover personal property, sometimes called the "Ash Out Program".
Instagram: @bethelglobalresponse
Contact: Go to Instagram link, then click on "Help LA Fire" to fill out a Google form.
Disaster Relief California - from the California Southern Baptist Convention. They offer personal property recovery.
Contact: Fill out the Personal Property Recovery Interest Form: CSBDR PPR Form
Lake Avenue Church -
Contact: A phone number is listed on the page. This is the same program as Samaritan's Purse below.
Samaritan's Purse - - Offering: Recovery of personal items; chainsaw work; temporary roof tarping
Contact: Call 833-747-1234
Vintage Church Pasadena -
Contact: Click the "Ash Out Intake Form" on the website. This is the same program as the Bethel Church above.
CalRecycle - Consolidated Debris Removal Program - Details about the California official program to remove hazardous waste from burned properties.
Phase 1 - Removing household hazardos waste: They will remove obvious hazards like bulk asbestos.
Phase 2 - They assess the site and make a cleanup plan, but only with a Right of Entry form provided by the parcel owner.
Depending on tests, this may include the removal of surface topsoil.
Check the Story Map to check the status of Phase 1 work.
Note: The direct map link is: - this could possibly change in the future.
Note: Some properties are marked as "Deferred to Phase 2". This means the EPA is unable or unwilling to enter the property for some reason - unstable trees or walls, blocked access, and so on. It is not clear what owners should do in this situation.
LA County Recovers - Debris Removal -
For Phase 2, "property owners need to decide whether to opt in for free cleanup... or opt out."
Question: Is there a cost to the parcel owner / homeowner?
Answer: According to this page, the US Army Corps of Engineers will perform this work "free of charge" to residents. Note: If your insurance policy covers debris removal, this money must be paid to the County. (So if your insurance company sent you a check for debris removal, be prepared to give the money to someone else.)
Question: What is the deadline for this program?
Answer: As of January 28, the Right of Entry submission deadline is March 31, 2025.
Question:: How do I check the Phase 1 clearance status from the EPA?
Answer: See the link to the EPA above.
Question:: Where is the list of approved contractors for those who opt-out of the free program?
Answer: ...
Soil testing - Owners will be able to opt-in to the CalRecycle cleanup program (see previous).
Concerns about contaminated ash and debris are elevated at the moment, out of an abundance of caution. There is no public data about the scope of the problem right now.
Right of Entry forms - if you want the Army Corps / CalRecycle to clean up your property you will need to fill out one of these forms. This was a topic at the January 22 Town Council meeting. More information when I know more. (They can't clean your property without your permission is the key message here.)
Please read the detailed information here:
Summary: You will need a licensed Certified Asbestos Consultant (CAC) to check for asbestos. If there is asbestos, you will need to pay for mitigation and disposal.
Note: There may be required inspections for other types of hazardous waste, no details as yet.
There are an estimated 13,579 parcels eligible for cleanup.
Phase 1 status map - indicates if the EPA has completed Phase 1 of the cleanup process.
Some parcels are "Deferred to Phase 2". This means there is a hazard or other lack of access to the property.
Phase 2: Debris Removal
This page will bring up a map for Phase 2 progress
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